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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Factors that Effect The Data Recovery on the computer

You have deleted and lost many important files in your life so far and have asked each time how to get it back. The best thing about a PC is that files are not really lost forever that is if you act almost immediately almost everything can be recovered as traces are left everywhere:
1) Its much easier to recover a file from an NTFS drive than a FAT drive and its important to note that most USB sticks and external storage devices have FAT type systems.
2) Fragmentation of the file also effects the chances of recovery .While it is possible to recover fragmented files from NTFS drives whereas recovering a fragmented file from FAT drive is next to impossible.

3) The age of the file is another factor. If a newly reated file is deleted , its hard to recover it .
4) Securely delted files also cannot be recovered. If you are losing a lot of data due to accidental deletion or file corruption then you must onsider using a shareware data recovery program. 

Emergency Tips

1) Disable write access
 - If you notice any data loss then don't write anything on the affected disk drive .Start the reovery program and save the restored files on an external data carrier.
2) Don't Install anything - Do'nt install any recovery program if you want to scan the system partition for the lost data .Instead , use the portable version of the data recovery program from a CD.

3) In case of Hardware defects its always better to take the hard drive to the data recovery center as further accessing the hard drive will only degrade the hard drive more.

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